I grew up when Diff'rent Strokes was a popular television show. That's no big deal unless your last name is Willis. To this day I still hear those famous words popularized by Arnold: "Whatchu talkin bout Willis?" Usually they are uttered by someone looking at me as though I may have never heard it before. Yeah, right! Well this blog is what I (Willis) am talkin bout...my thoughts, observations & opinions. Enjoy...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Off to Old Ford Church of Christ

I'll give you an update when I return from the revival at Old Ford. I'm nervous but I'm looking forward to it especially hanging out with Levi Cichorz again. I'll try to check and i've "scehduled a few posts. Talk atcha later...


Soren said...

It's time for "Duped, Deluded, and Deceieved!"

David H. Willis said...

I'm saving that one for the Creek!