I grew up when Diff'rent Strokes was a popular television show. That's no big deal unless your last name is Willis. To this day I still hear those famous words popularized by Arnold: "Whatchu talkin bout Willis?" Usually they are uttered by someone looking at me as though I may have never heard it before. Yeah, right! Well this blog is what I (Willis) am talkin bout...my thoughts, observations & opinions. Enjoy...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Take back our country...

This political season got me thinking about when I realized how far I really was out of the American mainstream. Yes, it became clear that I was indeed an "extremist" and a "whacko!" I watched Pat Buchanan's speech at the 1992 Republican Convention. Pat rocked the house! When it was over I was very fired up! It was the best political speech I'd ever heard. "Force rooted in justice backed by moral courage!" Then I watched the pundits rebuke Buchanan and his own party distance themselves from him. Huh?


Soren said...

That was an awesome speech! I still remember it: "We can take this country back, town by town, city by city, state by state."

I even adapted it for a part of a sermon: "We can take this brotherhood back, church by church..."

We WERE radical back in the day, eh?

David H. Willis said...

We were that. Something happened and I lost the video. I'll try to link it up again.