I grew up when Diff'rent Strokes was a popular television show. That's no big deal unless your last name is Willis. To this day I still hear those famous words popularized by Arnold: "Whatchu talkin bout Willis?" Usually they are uttered by someone looking at me as though I may have never heard it before. Yeah, right! Well this blog is what I (Willis) am talkin bout...my thoughts, observations & opinions. Enjoy...

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sermon Warning

This week I'm addressing the Charismatic movement (& surrounding issues) and specifically answering why we are not a part of it. Simply put, it's a counterfeit of the real thing. What is happening today is nothing like the authentic recorded events in the Bible. Just compare Jesus' healings with those of Benny Hinn! It seems, however, that charismatics have no problem preaching, teaching and advocating their beliefs. We, on the other hand, often refuse to speak clearly on these matters. It is a sensitive/controversial subject so I'm employing a sermon warning label this Sunday. What we need is not ambivalence; rather we need clarity and correct handling of the word of truth. I hope people will open their Bibles & their minds. It's a lot to cover, but I'm giving it a shot. I'll cover miracles, prophecy, tongues (everyone's favorite), healing, etc.


Anonymous said...

What? Preach the truth on a controversial topic? Are you mad, son? You might offend a seeker or something. And what's the big idea preaching about doctrine in the first place, you're supposed to be preaching on how to get that promotion at work or a new car.

Just kidding, of course. Keep preaching the truth, we need more bold preachers like you.

If you want, I'll pray over a cloth and send it to you for divine guidance, or I can send some water from the Jordan River to anoint your pulpit with... for a suggested donation of 19.95.

Keep up the good work!

David H. Willis said...

Thanks bro! You crack me up. I'm starting to check my blog just to read your comments!

Anonymous said...

So how did the sermon go? Did anybody get slain in the Spirit just from listening to it? Did you tell them those people are just "duped, deluded, and deceived"? Hope it went well. Keep preaching it straight brother!

David H. Willis said...

I think it went well. I didn't work in "deluded, duped & deceived" but I got close. I had to do 2 parts, so this week I'm dealing with "healing" & "tongues."