I grew up when Diff'rent Strokes was a popular television show. That's no big deal unless your last name is Willis. To this day I still hear those famous words popularized by Arnold: "Whatchu talkin bout Willis?" Usually they are uttered by someone looking at me as though I may have never heard it before. Yeah, right! Well this blog is what I (Willis) am talkin bout...my thoughts, observations & opinions. Enjoy...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Evolution

I've been wondering about my evolution as a "preacher." Not the ministry stuff I do, but how I deliver my sermons. Different topics and different days always bring some subtle variances, but I think my "style" has been evolving too. I remember when I first started preaching I was stunned when another preacher guy told me how hard it was to cut his messages down for Sundays. I was always looking to stretch mine out! Too much material was never an issue back then. Now, however, I fully get his problem. I used to always look for that killer story or illustration too and now they come when they come. I would be very topical and now I'm much more interested in going through books or sections of Scripture. (I do still employ topical messages and they have a place for sure). I used to look for a dramtic introduction and killer closer. These days - not so much. I used to tell more protracted stories, but not nearly as much nowadays. In recent years I got into outlines for listeners and spent considerable effort on Power Point and pictures, along with audio & video supplementation. Maybe I'm getting lazy. Maybe I getting wiser. Maybe the preachers I listen to influence me. I don't know. Admittedly, when I speak elsewhere I do try to polish up the opening and closing, but when I'm on my home turf I don't feel as compelled. These days I really prefer just to open my Bible and talk about what we read.

Sorry for the ramble. I'm on pharmaceuticals anyway, but that's another blog post for another day...


William Mckinley Dyer said...

I dont know how you USED to be but you ARE one of the most Practical preachers i know. You do a great job at putting the audience in the mix of Scripture as if they were the ones going through the story or being rebuked by Paul in one of his letters. Makes Scripture a lot more identifiable to our lives when we hear it like that.

David H. Willis said...

Thanks very much WMD. That's what I'm usually trying to do. I think that's because that's how I look at it myself a lot of times.

Melissa said...

Well, I think you are an amazing preacher. You have always been one of my favorites...not afraid to tell the truth. And isn't it better to let the Bible speak for itself sometimes?? Sometimes an illustration is helpful but not always necessary! Shouldn't we all evolve so that we don't always need the fancy opener and closer? Sounds to me like you are providing more meat and less milk :) Keep up the great work!!

Billy Club said...

Your best life is not now...how about that for a book title... straight bible

David H. Willis said...

ThanKs Melissa. You are too kind.

And Billy I like your book idea. I wish I had enoguh sense to write one!