I grew up when Diff'rent Strokes was a popular television show. That's no big deal unless your last name is Willis. To this day I still hear those famous words popularized by Arnold: "Whatchu talkin bout Willis?" Usually they are uttered by someone looking at me as though I may have never heard it before. Yeah, right! Well this blog is what I (Willis) am talkin bout...my thoughts, observations & opinions. Enjoy...

Friday, August 24, 2007

My Vick Connection

As you probably know Michael Vick and I share the same hometown: Newport News, VA. He also played football at my highschool (Ferguson). The school was closed while was there and he finished at nearby Warwick. Our connection goes still further. In highschool I played football with Vick's uncle Casey. Casey was a good guy and lives fairly close to me now. Whenever i see him we salways top and chat. He was the right gurad and I was the left back at Ferguson (Go Mariners!). Anyway, I saw this picture with Casey in it. He's in the middle in the background smiling big. This picture is from a few years back during brighter times.

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