I grew up when Diff'rent Strokes was a popular television show. That's no big deal unless your last name is Willis. To this day I still hear those famous words popularized by Arnold: "Whatchu talkin bout Willis?" Usually they are uttered by someone looking at me as though I may have never heard it before. Yeah, right! Well this blog is what I (Willis) am talkin bout...my thoughts, observations & opinions. Enjoy...

Friday, November 06, 2009


I think it's time for me to read Paul's epistles to the Corinthian church again. There's certainly a lot of crazy stuff happening in that church and it helps me remember that church folks don't always act like Christians. Also makes you wonder why any congregation wouyld call themselves "Corinth Christian Church". Mark Driscoll did a sermon series on 1st Corinthians entitled "Christians Gone Wild" which provocatively makes the point that the early Corintians followers of Jesus had some serious "issues" as we like to say. I was talking with a friend recently about the topic of frustration I stated how I was very familiar with with it in the context of church. In some ways, if we're reaching new people, I guess frustsrtation might always be a factor of sorts. The hard part about frustration is when it involves long time believers and it usually does...


Anonymous said...

So Dave,

Are you going to start blogging about your readings? If so, I would like to read along with you and discuss...let me know what you think.

David H. Willis said...

I haven't blogged about anything in a looooong tome so it's unlikely. I'm just going to sit down and read 1 & 2 Corinthians all at once. I need the impact of the whole thing i think. Sometimes i get utterly frustrated with church stuff & church folks im particular. I have remind myself what it was like in the early days.