I grew up when Diff'rent Strokes was a popular television show. That's no big deal unless your last name is Willis. To this day I still hear those famous words popularized by Arnold: "Whatchu talkin bout Willis?" Usually they are uttered by someone looking at me as though I may have never heard it before. Yeah, right! Well this blog is what I (Willis) am talkin bout...my thoughts, observations & opinions. Enjoy...

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Messiah?

Now this is scary.


William Mckinley Dyer said...

Dude i wish i had it on record but i called this when he first started running against Hillary. I said he was a Muslim in disguise and would win the White House and appoint Pro-Muslim Judges and such and our Country would start crumbling not by war but through the Politics

Anonymous said...

Has Obama denounced this yet (like he did with Jeremiah Wright)? This is just getting more whack the closer we get to election day...